My Adventures in Enamel January 2018

June 20, 2022

My jewelry making techniques sort of go in binges.  A lot of that has to do with my teaching schedule.  For example, last month I had two workshops teaching enameling so I definitely had some quality time with my kiln (which I've decided is rather nice in winter).

I've also decided that when I finish my current online workshop, I'm going to start work on my next one which will be enameling.

I always start people with torch enameling.  Nothing like watching your piece in real time go from sugar to orange peel to glossy smooth.

Sorry for those poor photos... it's all I have on hand just at the moment.

These earring pairs are both torch enameled.  It's a demo of the sgraffito technique.

And more sgraffiti...

A little bit of cloisonne...

Here's some kiln enameling as I experimented with crackle enamel.

I experimented a bit more with decals.

And gel pens.

And decals and gel pens combined.

And I made one piece combining graphite and murini which I then prong set as a pendant.

I'm excited to start work on my online enameling workshop.  If you're interested in this class, sign up for my newsletter as those people get first dibs on my classes.

Edited to add this last photo I forgot to show you.  This is my sketch book. 

I divided one page into sections and I mark what I'm doing to each piece (as well as the plan for each piece).

When I work on 5-10 pieces at a time, I don't always remember what colors I used on what pieces, what plans I had for what pieces, and how many layers I've done to what pieces.  Those of you who enamel know about the "down times" (waiting for the kiln firing, waiting for the piece to cool, etc).  

I also have two small baskets labeled as "1 counter-enamel" and "2 counter-enamels" so I can remember to which pieces I've added one or two layers of counter enamel.