
Jun 20, 2022

I was feeling guilty that I didn't have a chance to blog in the last two days.  Seriously?!  How messed up is that?!  I've got enough angst on my plate without adding mythical worries to feel badly about.

So much easier to think about what I *didn't* get done rather than appreciate what I *did* get done.  Silly woman.

Let's start celebrating our…

Jun 20, 2022

My last blog post was April 2020... yes, a whole year.  I have excuses, but I won't bore you with them.  Instead let me try to catch you up a wee bit and we'll go from there.

Last January, I started my journey into the technique of cloisonné.   I actually have an album on Facebook that shows the entire journey and if I have a spare hour someday soon, I thought it'd be fun to re-create those images here on my website.

I'm also recently spending more time trying to take…

Jun 20, 2022

You may think this blog post is not metalsmith related, but you’d be wrong… in my world anyway.

Last June I was in some hot springs and got to talking with another traveler there.  Somehow we ended up talking about the fact that she got and loves her Roomba (robotic vacuum… you’ve seen the videos of cats riding around on them). 

I used to think I was the kind of person who would NEVER have something like that.  It just seemed so frivolous.  But I started thinking…

Jun 20, 2022

Okay, let's catch you up.  What have I made since the last time I showed you my jewelry?

I wanted to try setting some enamel cabochon (cloisonné, to be specific) into traditional bezel settings.  By "traditional", I mean flat wire, not gallery wire or scalloped or serrated.  Those other wires are very easy to "push over" which is a good thing when it comes to pushing metal up against glass... but I like the look of a traditional bezel setting at times (most times) so wanted to…

Jun 20, 2022

As promised, this blog post is just to show you my latest tutorial (click here to see the listing with all the detailed info).
